Saturday, July 21, 2007

Landscaping - 2006

In April & May we finished clearing out the rest of the 'junk' from the neighbour & hauled a bunch of logs out of the ditch in the front & along the east side of property. We hope to use the larger logs (not shown) to make a split cedar rail fence - purely decorative, along the east side. In the front, we are building a secondary entrance (the main lane way is to the left of the birch tree seen on the far left). When we walk up the hill from the boardwalk, we want to take the shortest route to the house - especially if we have heavy wheelbarrow loads of groceries. So, a 'bridge to Terebithia' is under construction.

The front ditch is full of huge lady ferns that grow every spring & then die in the fall - this allows us to get in there & hack out the blackberries & tame things down. We have laid out the logs in the front along what we believe to be the property line & I've got my 'L' garden there. It was supposed to be lupins & lilies, but spring 2007 didn't produce many lupins. There might be too much clay in the soil.

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