First thing Monday morning, Phil called Bowmark, the concrete place in Port Alberni & put in his order for 2 cement trucks. We had our fingers crossed - the usual waiting period from order to delivery is 3 days, but Phil had called the Mars Rustler barge in Port Alberni & he was unable to come in Wednesday thru Friday. We had either Tuesday or Saturday open - the sun shone on us Monday - Bowmark was ready to deliver on Tuesday!!!

July 24th at 1:00, the barge came roaring into the harbour. There is a ramp on the east side down in Grappler Inlet - which is just to the right of this photo (I'm down at the General Store waiting).
The cement truck drives on to the barge (which beaches itself & lowers a ramp).

Then the barge travels down the harbour to the ramp on the west side. The Mars Rustler is the smaller of the 2 barges that service Bamfield. The Mars Lander is much larger & I've rarely seen it here - it costs a very pretty penny to bring these things into town.

It's rather difficult to view this photo - I couldn't make it down to the fisheries dock in time to get a clearer shot - there is another pier going in behind the fisheries dock. So, the barge has to time it right with the tide - a low tide makes it very difficult to get in close enough to the landing ramp to have a very low angle on the ramp. That's why we had to wait til 1:00 - when the tide was coming up (& we couldn't leave it too late to get the equipment back across

because the tide then goes out - we had about 6 hours).
Finally the first cement truck arrived on site.

We needed to use the excavator with a bucket to bring the concrete to the back walls & it was slow-going at first, until everyone got into it.

Phil did a lot of hands-on work today, getting right into the thick of things with the machines & the muck.

It was taking much longer than everyone wanted to get the job done. Working with concrete is very tricky - it's a chemical reaction once the water is added - you have only so long to get it out of the truck & into the forms. Our first truck was already getting thick & difficult to work with so everyone who was on site was working as quickly as possible. Even still - we were 2 hours behind.

Right towards the end of the pouring (around 6:30 or so) Phil got to play with 'the vibrator' - ha! It's just a rod that vibrates & is jammed down into the wet concrete to make sure it gets down & packed in place properly - very messy.

We also had a dump truck waiting on the road with our drain rock & crushed gravel. He had to wait til the cement truck was out of the way before he could back in & unload the bags & dump the rock. Very funny guy (Reg) & the great thing was that we filled his truck with our scrap metal left over from the demolished trailer. A friend of ours got him to go over to her place to remove some stuff too - never let a large vehicle cross the harbour empty!

Wholy Moly... I have to take a breath just reading about everything that is happening out there.... and my own life is pretty busy that I find it hard to breathe at times. It's too bad we live so far, Steve would have been great help on those machines... and he's a very efficient cement mixer and pourer. :)
I like that Pat and Phil Joke.... that is sooooo Phil. I really miss that sense of humour.
It's nice to see him working so hard, (not that he doesn't) but I'm sure it is extremely satisfying.
Oh well, we'll be off on vacation for two weeks tomorrow, the parent tour (I should say the grand-parent tour now). Have a good two weeks.
Elaine, Steve and Christian xoxo
I can't believe how fast your house is happening! Does it feel fast to you?
Love Liz.
phil, i miss your sense of humour, most of the time!! hehehe
Wow you have been posting loads (i love being able to follow along) and SO much has happened on your property!! a foundation is really exciting. I have been watching a new house go up across the street from my parent's and once that foundation is in it's amazing how quickly it gets framed up.
Hi guys, I'm enjoying watching
your progress. Love from Aunt Atty
Hi Michelle and Phil,
Wow! I did not realize it was such a BIG deal to start a house out in the wilds of B.C. You guys are amazing. Thanks for the pictures and the story. good luck!
Love, aunt willy
Can't wait to visit CHez Lavoie!
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