We are at the end of another week & I dared to look at the 'progress' of the crew. I will admit that I've been avoiding the work site for a week because it gets depressing not being able to see ANY progress that I'm sure was being accomplished somewhere along the way. We've also had a bit of a change in crew - Owen moved out to Youbou to pursue construction jobs down there & we gained Bones & Dwayne. Dude & Colin are still with us.
So, here's where was are at: Half the roof is shingled (& it's raining as I speak - of course), most of the windows are in (the 8 remaining in the vaulted front wall are on back order & won't arrive til after the 23rd - so I hope they think to put in plastic before too long), the doors are here, the plumber should come in towards the end of the week to install the shower & tub (as long as we can dry out those areas in time to put in insulation), the electrician comes back from hunting mid-week & will hopefully come for a walk-thru so he can order all the electrical work.
Now: it's picture time:

Don't forget to vote for your fav. idea for a weathervane. To remind everyone - the first floor space is 2/3rds rental suite & I'm pretty sure we will name it: Sun & Sea Suite. So, that gives you a hint as to what I'm aiming the 'theme' of the house & yard to be.
please don't do the whale weathervane! i voted (not for that one) but it's winning anyway. don't do it!
The whale weathervane really isn't my first choice - the neighbour's up the hill have 'Moby Dick' & while it's cute, it's not US. Most of the eagles I've seen are the American eagle - screaming, claws extended & not what we see in our trees. The sun is my choice - a big, bright ball of fire to chase away these storms which are now upon us....
I guess I should have only voted once.. hehe. Christian voted for the sun. Might be a good choice.
Hope the weather gets better there.
Love Elaine, Steve and Christian
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