Today was a wonderfully sunny day! There was quite a bit of ice around here again & once the sun started to warm things up, it was DRIP, DRIP, DRIP....We need to get our drain pipes re-attached to the gutters & I hope the convince the guys to do it tomorrow while it is still sunny.
Phil & I went over to the house today to work like mad people. I hauled out the wet/dry vac & went to town on THE WHOLE house. I'm exhausted right now, but the house looks fabulous... for all of 24 hours til someone comes into work tomorrow.
The first floor is DONE for drywall - well, except for a small spot in the ceiling & the bathroom, which Phil was working on today.
Here are the laundry area shots:

Yup - that's my shadow. I'm standing in the added on door on the west wall & I'm looking east where there is a hall way & the east back door. The space here is laundry/mud room/work space & off on the right is the entrance to the suite (can't see it) & the stairs going up to our space.

This shot is taken from the suite doorway. On the right is the west wall door with all that glorious sun shining in. There is a light switch on the far right - beside that is the stairs going up. We will have a freezer underneath the electrical panel, under the window will be the laundry tub & on the wall beside that will be the washer & dryer.

I decided to take this one right outside the house. This is the east back door looking down the hallway to the window where the laundry tub will be.

This is such a cool effect - looking at the pine ceiling & then looking out the windows, the pine just continues through!
We will worry about putting a finish on the inside pine once the house is all done - so, probably not until the fall or winter when we have a bit more time (& maybe some money again). We shall see what the summer will do for the ceiling, but the windows are low-UV - meaning, they block a lot of UV already. I really don't want to have to worry about getting up to the top of the ceiling every few years to deal with applying a finish because the ceiling is fading or becoming discoloured in patches........
This is it for today - am too tired to add other photos. Will continue outside tomorrow - hopefully - & get the yard under control (again)
1 comment:
Wow.. it all looks so new. that must be a very nice feeling. That Pine is beautiful.
You'll have a nice home to stay in soon.
Love Elaine
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