Well, another month has passed us by & we've not found a whole lot of time to finish things.
This will be a short posting!
With the wet & cold season starting upon us, I really wanted to have someplace proper to hang our outdoor gear. So we had to dig through the pile of cedar planks in the back en

trance to find the one & only board that wasn't nice enough for window trim. We now have some wonderful coat hooks that look like they were rescued from an old farm house. Love that look....
Our house has a few features in it that are built for tall people - high bathroom counters, higher than usual hand rails on the stairs (we didn't plan on that, but the building inspector noticed - of course, he's a shortie himself...) & now we ha

ve some nice tall coat hooks. I wanted them up a little higher because when you hang your rain pants, they don't dry very well when they are bunched up on the floor. This will be interesting when kids try to hang their stuff....might have to put some shortie hooks outside for them....;)

Then just the other day Phil got into action with the pellet stove - we needed to cover up the hole in the ceiling where the chimney piece goes through. So the scarey wooden ladder of death once again came inside for another finishing job - We now have a nice big black square on the ceiling - but it's got some 'pretty' silver screws & I'm sure we can frame it out with any left-over cedar later on.
That's about it for now.

I am gearing up for the annual Bamfield Christmas Craft Fair on November 29th. Late next week I will become the crazy jam/jelly queen of Bamfield as I finally have the opportunity to use the stove in the suite...
Then on December 6th we are having a Sinterklaas party - Dutch Christmas. Something to get the holiday season started with. We have lights up on the upper deck & bring a bit of light to the dreary evenings & I hope that the rest of the community has lights up soon. While it may seem early, the month of December usually flies by pretty fast with more gatherings & potlucks than any other time of year!
Some very nice finishing touches!
Love, Dad
in freezing Florida ;)
Hi! It's nice to see some postings on the blog. Keep up the work you're almost done.
take care, U Gerry
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