This is the south wall - with some of the deck footings being installed. The right side is the dining room, the middle will be sliding glass doors & the left window is the living room. These 2 large windows are 6x5 & will allow us to get a good view of the storms when they move around the harbour.
Now we are up inside the 2nd floor. I'm standing at the back entrance on the west wall looking towards what will be the dining room.
This is the opposite view - I'm in the dining room on the south east side looking back towards the back entrance.
This the the south wall. There will be another 2 levels of windows above these.......It's going to be very high & very bright!!
The interior walls have not been put up yet - I think the boys ran out of studs on Friday. Tuesday will be another large delivery day - I think roofing material is arriving plus material to finish the walls inside. We had our pressure treated wood for the deck frame re-delivered on Saturday (along with a tub for the downstairs) - the first decking material wasn't pressure treated, so Phil had to put it back on the truck & take it back down to the Lady Rose to be returned to Home Depot. A bit of a hassle & we hope that this isn't going to happen very often.
The plan for this week is to finish the deck footings around the west wall, backfill around the foundation & start working on the roof. Phil is out right now burning the unusable wood material & doing a general clean up of the site before the excavator comes. He thinks that we might have to get more backfill material (from where?) because we've used a lot of what we created to fill in & level the basement. We shall see what happens.....
Hey Michelle & Phil - looks great! Thanks again for keeping us all updated. We enjoy your posts and pictures.
Jacques & Lisa & Katrina & James
Must be very exciting! Looks like an awesome the pics:)
Take care! Love, Cheryl
Hi Michelle&Phil
Can hardly wait to have coffee up in the dining area in front of those windows. Looks wonderful so far. Great work!
LOL, Mom
Lookin' AWESOME!
Can't wait to come play.
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