These photos taken Sept 13th were on someone else's camera but yes, the weather has turned gray. It looks a bit glum, but we should be back into sunshine in a day or two.......
The Dude changed the roof line while they were putting it up & it has a bit of a pagoda-style to it now. Much better than a big triangle sitting on top of a big square.
The large prow (overhang in the front) is to help with the weather, but honestly, when the storms hit, the rain is horizontal not vertical.
The boys were just finishing this on Wednesday & I wish I had the camera handy - Colin was climbing up & down like a monkey & walking along the roof peak without a care in the world. They were making jokes that they should install a steeple with a cross & call it 'the church of Phil' - ha,ha,ha,ha - from castle to church.......
I do want to find a weather vane to put up there - any suggestions?
You've done a lot in two months!
I like the "Pagoda" look.
Norm (Dad)
i really like the 'pagoda' look too. your house looks beautiful!
love liz.
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