Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's Going On??

Well, I know it doesn't look like much has happened in a week - yes, a full week of waiting for something to be finished or to start.......BUT, the shingles have finally arrived (don't know when they plan on actually putting them on), the shower has come for the upstairs bathroom (after having to be repaired due to delivery damage) & it looks like the 'attic' floor has been put in along with the back wall fitted with 2 windows.

This is the view from the 'attic' - I'm just hoping there aren't too many people out there with high powered lenses looking our way!!!!

This week my parents are here in town - getting a feel for wet, west coast living & will be watching some of the progress (or non-progress) on the house. Mom will no doubt take 50 million photos - which is good, because I'm still working the odd shift at the lodge. Today, the siding (hardy-plank) and windows are arriving on the ferry, which only adds to the growing list of things the boys need to hurry up & do......Maybe they'll get the hint that I'm getting anxious if we are able to book the electrician to come for a walk-through this week......


Anonymous said...

Very nice view. Things are coming along well. Not much longer I guess.


Keller Internet Marketing and SEO said...

How is the weather right now?

Anonymous said...

woww!!! it looks sooo awesome!! can't wait for the housewarming party invite, i'll try my best to get soph to drive me out !!
