Well, the sun is shining after our second winter storm, strangely enough on a Saturday again. The next one is forecasted for - yes, Saturday again!! So, I ran out to check out the windows & see what kind of state the place was in after horizontal rain & 80km/hr winds. Not bad - but Phil is going over right now to sweep some of the water out so that the boys can work tomorrow. We have a small window of opportunity to get the 'holes' filled before the rains come again. Holes - the outside doors installed & plastic on the front wall.
I also took some measurements for the kitchens. I woke up in the middle of the night with a thought that our fridge won't fit in the spot we designated for it because we are now enclosing the stairwell leading downstairs (which was initially enclosed & then switched to being open & is once again going to be enclosed.....). It's a tight angle in that part of the house - but after looking at it I will just moved the fridge over & put in a pantry unit with a small counter. But we need to get the plumber to re-do the island plumbing - he went off the downstairs kitchen wall which sits further back than the upstairs kitchen wall (it's in the blueprints & we don't change structural walls - at least not those ones!!). So, I'm not really sure about island placement - there's too much junk in there to get a proper feel to it.
Ok - picture time:

It looks so much nicer in the sun! The scaffolding was moved around to the west side of the house (this is the east side).
They installed the sliding door yesterday after we confirmed that it was the proper size. The hole that had been left was for a door 4 inches taller - would have been really nice, but that was a custom door (actually considered a window) & would have cost us almost $1200 - just for 4 extra inches!! So, the next q

uestion was - make the top level with the windows (my preference) or put in a lintel & have the bottom work easier with the deck.....Dude got his choice & I didn't, but if we can find a really nice piece of wood for the lintel than I'm not really all that concerned. This is the wall that needs to have a large piece of plastic covering the open windows - they will not arrive til after the 23rd & if we want any chance of trying to dry the place out - the plastic needs to be primary concern tomorrow when the boys come in - wait, I hope we have the plastic for it!!!

Dude was very concerned that he get the valley flashing done properly, so this was the only time he was on the roof - the valley between the different peaks on the west wall. We don't want a leak from the porch to the house. The blue tarp is covering the loft area where Phil has cedar 'drying' so that he can stain it before it goes around the windows.

I hope after this is all done that the inside of the house is as nice as the outside! We have a lot of cedar outside & I do believe there are some large posts in the house that will be installed somewhere. It sure smells nice!

I know it's Thanksgiving, but here's my one & only pepper! The other plants are still doing well in the greenhouse & I hope that I'm able to eat part of this little veggie - next year - start earlier!!
Remember to vote for a weathervane & if you have a specific idea - leave us a note. The weathervane places I've checked out on line have such a crazy assortment of styles. For example: a whale doesn't always mean Moby Dick....