This is the east wall that Phil, Norm & Malcom worked on week before last.
Yes, that is snow on the ground.....
This is the south side of the first floor - & they got underneath the deck done as well. Looking very sharp.
This is the west side, again only first floor.
The hydro was hooked up this past week - probably Wednesday as neither one of us was around at the time. We are waiting for the electrican to return to hook up some plugs so we can use our own power!! Maybe then I'll get some Christmas lights up over there & try to get over the fact that we won't be celebrating Christmas in the new house.
As I'm typing, the snow is still coming down!! It started yesterday morning - off & on all day & at some point in the night, there was quite a hail storm. When I went into work at 6 a.m. Bamfield was peaceful - quite a magical walk to work. I'm only hoping that as the flakes of snow are getting bigger & coming down thicker, that the power stays on & we can continue to enjoy a nice winter wonderland.....
The siding looks very nice :)
Its wonderful to be able to follow your house building adventure...............
What memories you are storing for someday when you look back...........resting in your easy chair in front of a beautiful fireplace........
Wonderful Dreams........Love Memere
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