Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Lower Deck

What a glorious week!! We've hit a cold snap - which means clear nights, frosty mornings & sunshine all day long. It also means that a lot of outdoor work is being done on the house. The scaffolding came down & Phil should be bringing me a photo & the lower deck was surfaced. They have moved up to the upper deck & it's looking good for completion before the rains come again around the weekend.....

This photo is taken at the eastern edge of the lower deck (the entrance to the suite is just on the right). Behind me will be a set of stairs & we've yet to decide how the other set of stairs will come up from the laneway - it needs to be 'private' for the lower suite - meaning that they shouldn't have to walk through our stuff & we shouldn't have to walk through their's.....
The railing will incorporate large glass panels so that the view is not obstructed & it will allow an open feel to the whole structure. If we put in the traditional pickets, we'd look like a 2 level jail cell!!

This is still on the lower level & as you can see it wraps around for quite a bit! We need a covered, protected area for our generator & that will go to the left of the door here. We will need to put some walls up - which will make it a bit more boxy, but it also needs to hold our pellets for the pellet stove & we've also decided that the central vac unit will live out here too. Should be interesting to see what we come up with!

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