Well, we had our Open House Party - worked our butts off for 2 whole days & made some magic happen. We now have a home vs a house that we live in amongst the tools. Here are a few pics from our day:

Proud & exhausted homeowners.

The mother-in-law, Claire, was a wonder with helping prepare the food platters, making 2 awesome punches & entertaining our guests. Mucho gracias!

Joe was also a wonder with working behind the scenes in keeping the platters full, cleaning up after our messy guests & helping with the chicken wings & oysters - ummmm, fresh oysters!!

Some of our guests included 'the old & the young' such as Bob McVie & baby Eli.

Dennis Morgan & Phil

Sweet Angel Eli - slept on the chair for about 1/2 hour!

Out on the deck in the glorious sun was Fay & Malcolm

Others included Michelle Lloyd, Malcolm, Owen Richards, Lars, Jim Levis & John Evans.

The deck was the happening place to be for most of the afternoon. Larry & Linda came to chat.

Heather Alexander brough over a most lovely hanging basket.

Rowan loved running around playing with the balloons & munching, munching, munching on the grapes or carrots & dip. He had a few tummy aches later on....

It was a great day to catch up with friends who we've not seen for a while - Sarah & Tash.

The food was simple but absolutely wonderful, especially the fresh oysters cooked in the oven....first of the season & I could have eaten more!

Of course, after all the food is done, out come the guitars for a bit of sing-song, rock-along & laugh with each other goodness. There were some great new songs & some tried & trust oldies. The accoustics were good in the living room, so we will be hosting music night more often, I'm sure!

ahhh, the end of the night. Tired but happy. Let's see what we can get done this next week so that we can tick off our list a few more important items....
Hi Guys,
Looks like it was a great party. Sorry I was about 4000 miles away from it. It's nice to see all the photos, Don't stop working, the house is looking great! U Gerry
Wow, the place looks great. Looking forward to seeing in August.
Love, Dad (Norm)
Very nice party. Wish I could have been there to sing a little :)
Love Elaine
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