Today I am still working on moving us up from the suite to the upstairs....There are many, many, many trips up & down the stairs, but the end is in sight....til Phil comes home with Claire (his mom) & Joe; which should be in about 4 hours...!!
One thing I wanted to make sure was available for their visit, was a closet organizer in the suite bedroom. So, I took it upon myself to install it while Phil was away.

Seems simple enough. Looks easy enough. Shouldn't be all that hard or take all that long.

I started out with a blank wall. Just hoping that I didn't have to remove it ALL once I was finished because I decided not to cut down the wire shelves.....

Utter confusion for the first half hour while I read the instructions & looked at all the pieces. Really, now, come on! Gather your tools & let's get going!

Instructions in 3 languages - just in case you couldn't get it via English....The pictures were a bit helpful, but not in explaining what a #8 1" screw was....Still don't know!

But I was determined to do this without 'the man's' help. I found Phil's drill & all the bits & pieces that go with it & sort of guessed. Of course, making sure that all my lines were level & in the right spot was a HUGE part of it, but after the first hole drilled, it was kind of fun! Until I hit a what?!

I did make a phone call to Phil just to check on things before I started drilling or hunting down those mysterious #8 screws...& only proved to myself that I can't read a measuring tape. Ha, ha, ha.
But things went in easy enough & yes, I found out that they come out just as easy too. Had to reposition 3 of the 17 shelf anchors...which is not bad for just 'winging it'!

So, now the anchors are in & the shelves attached, just have to put in the side wall anchors & we are ready to go! Let's check the instructions before we go too much further....

Wow - my shelves look just like the picture in the instructions! I think I'm on the right track...Just have to fiddle around with the side anchors & the front supports & we should be done before tomorrow....

These are the finished shelves. I think they are positioned nicely. The instructions called for the top shelf to be at the top of the front leg supports, but that was way too high! No one would be able to reach up there & put anything on it! So I moved it all down a level just to be on the safe side.

Now we are ready for guests - and I even found some extra hangers! It's amazing how much 'stuff' we have packed in boxes that we've not been using for the last 6 months & not even noticed. Actually, that's probably a good thing. Now I can start the 'reduce, reuse & recycle' part of my plan for unpacking....which will take another year!
All we need are the sliding doors for the closet - definately a job I'm not doing on my own!
ps - this project only took me 3 hours....
1 comment:
Good work Michelle. It's a nice feeling to get things done man free. hehe. I remember long ago assembling a closet organizer when we lived in London. Those were quite the house projects. Although I was only fourteen, I often picked up the projects that some of the others gave up on .. closet organizer, sanding floors, painting (I hope Rose doesn't read this... hehe). Anyhow, hope you have a great house warming and a nice visit with Mom and Joe. Wish we could have been there. Only four days left til my vacation. YAY
Love Elaine xoxo
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