Well, another crazy week of working til 10 pm to get stuff done & another posting full of photos & (hopefully) interesting facts & stories.

Phil scampered up a seriously scary, dangerous & wobbly wooden ladder - to stand on the 2nd last step, hold onto the scaffolding & try to screw in mounts & lights....Glad he didn't fall off the ladder. This wavy light is in the upper living room. We will have to wait til the tools are out & the furniture is in before we can properly position the lights.

I finally was able to get into the office to paint the ceiling, walls & floor so that we can scratch that off the list. (funny thing was I had forgotten to put it on the list!) Colour on the wall is Barefoot Beach, same as in the loft & in the suite bedroom. Amazing how one colour will look so different in each room.

This is the floor in the office - half done. I sand it with palm sander attached to the shop vac, fill in all the nail or screw holes, seams, dents, dings, drainage holes (!!) & other scuffs incurred during the course of construction with wood filler, paint, paint then varathane. Key is to make sure to wear good knee pads....

Phil played plumber for a day in the upper bathroom. We now have duelling shower heads, but no shower curtain. Actually, we need to figure out how to keep the water in the shower with a shower curtain because I don't want to have to order/buy a shower door. Dislike those things, never stay clean & look pretty scudgey after a while.....thoughts? I'm thinking of inventing some sort of 6 to 8 inch water barrier along the bottom edge (should have taken a photo to show you that there is only a 2 inch lip)....Heavy duty shower curtain called for indeed.

Phil's toilet seat. I will say no more.

This is the sink that I refinished with enamel paint - horrifically stinky job, but the end result is quite stunning. Phil managed to find the proper faucets - mint condition antiques - via the internet. We'll put a table on either side (his & hers) & probably build a box underneath with a towel rail....Still a work in progress...

This is the upper kitchen window ledge with the live edge wood. The underside of the ledge is the bark left on. We put 3 coats of tung oil on & just need to add a bit of trim.

This is the upper living room window ledge. Looks pretty cool & I have lots of room to throw on a few potted plants.

So, this is where to find all the tools. The new rule in the house is to put your tools away once you are finished a project or at the end of each day. This will be a hard one to enforce, but for the last couple of weeks, Phil & I have been working very well together & we are getting into a good habit of cleaning up every day. If only it would work that way when a 'worker' shows up.....Pretty soon, I'll be packing this all up into boxes - Phil's tools will stay out & all the rest might find their way into a garage sale.

Very memorable day today. NO MORE SCAFFOLDING!!!
Phil has finished the 2nd row of windows - casing, trim, cleaning, tung oil & dismantled the scaffolding. It will make it's way off the deck in the next couple of days & back to the guy we borrowed them from for the last 10 months. Phil is working on the lower windows & the sliding glass doors. Pretty soon the floor will be done & then furniture can be moved in!!

Front windows with casing & trim. Looking pretty sharp!

The fridge we've had stored in the shelter outside turned out to work, but it's really ugly, opens on the wrong side, has no upper freezer & would probably die half-way through the summer. Plus the seal was soooo nasty......We got a 'new' fridge instead. We'll put the junky one on the Lady Rose & the House of Service will take it for parts or junk it themselves. The dishwasher will go in the island once the counter tops are installed. Who knows what we'll do for a stove - we don't use one very often anyway, so we'll be fine for a while.

The unfinished fir landing. It looks good, but we need to do some serious sanding & varathaning. It only took 3 weeks for the landing to get this far (thanks....) so I've got this task pushed back on the 'to-do' list. I'll just put a drop cloth on it for now so that we can get up into the loft. Who knows when the steps will be installed at the bottom of the landing......

This is the sleeping quarters in the loft. We have to put drop cloths on the bed each day since there are power tools still being used inside. But sleeping up here is wonderful! The loft isn't as bright as I was expecting - which is good since we don't plan on having curtains on the front window wall. Thank goodness we put in 2 ceiling fans - the loft does get a bit stale & warm if the windows are closed & it's a warm day - but then, we are outside most of the time anyway!
So, that's it for this posting. On Saturday the counter tops arrived & are sitting in boxes on the deck. Monday, Mark Kelly the cabinet maker, is coming to install them. I'm quite excited - too bad I'll not be here to see it, but when I'm done work at the lodge, it will be good to see what's been accomplished. We also received some of our closet doors. Phil is busy installing them, so I'll save that for the next post.
1 comment:
Hey I really like Phil's toilet seat, I think it looks great;-) The rest of the house is looking pretty good too! U Gerry
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